


雖然說為了把房子賣出去講些好聽話是人之常情,不過說謊可就不是好的行為了 =_=
看來要多多累積看房子的經驗呢,才不會輕易被唬弄啦 😛

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4 thoughts on “看房子

  1. I take clients out house hunting almost every day… some houses are just pretty on the outside … some are simply disasters … = =
    I saw this programme on tv a while ago and one of the real estage agency recommend that you should see up to 200 houses before you even think about buying. Pretty reasonable in my opinion 😛

  2. To Shyo:
    Thanks for your suggestion ^^~
    I think you are right. Buying houses is a big deal, so I should take time seeing more houses before making the final decision.
    It’s also great that you already have much experience in house hunting 😛
    But isn’t seeing 200 houses too difficult? 😛

  3. Hahaha … on average, I see up to 20 houses a week (sometimes they double up) so I guess I have seen at least 500 houses already… @~@…
    If you like, I can give you a few tips about house hunting with real estate agents 😛

  4. Wow~ 500 houses is quite a big amount for me *_*…
    It would be very nice of you if you can give me some advice about house hunting… I think I’ll first rent a cheaper suite, then I would have more time to look for the ideal house ^^


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