


聽室友好像有點想去試聽看看的樣子,還問了我多少錢… 已經有點忘記了,隱約記得是多少,但不是很確定~幸好前年開始就有在記帳了,打開記帳本查了一下,突然發現~~哇咧~怎麼這麼多錢~我生氣了!我要去上課了!補習費奪回作戰開始!!

(本頁面已被瀏覽過 225 次)

8 thoughts on “驚!

  1. 你有繼續承租喔~
    我還想說我家有空房間可以給你住喔~ ^_________________^

  2. 沒有呀~一個人我就不太想繼續住這裡了~離公司有點小遠~
    感謝你的好意啦…不過住別人家裡感覺怪怪的 😛

  3. Next time you want to waste this kind of money you can give it to me ~
    I’ll mark you present even if you’re not in class ^++++^

  4. Actually, I’d be love to live without paying rent…
    But I would feel guilty, honestly~ 😛

  5. No lah … I’m talking about you paying for English classes but never actually turning up ^+++^
    [I’d love to live without having to pay for rent to … actually I’d love to live without paying for anything but who am I? Hahahahah… so I pay for everything I need = =]

  6. No no~ I had attended the courses for several months…
    But slowly, I felt bored and tired… =_=
    Thank you for correcting my grammar 😛


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