[Google Test] 選擇性的執行某些 Unit-test case
今天在跑 unit-testing 程式時,發現在跑到某個 test case 時會一直出錯,
但是如果每次都跑全部的 test case 又頗浪費時間,
於是來找找看 Google Test 如何選擇性的執行某些特定的 test case…
找了一下,原來 Google Test 編譯出來的 test program 本身就有提供這項功能,
而且用 -h 選項就可以列出所有支援的選項:
testuser@localhost ~ $ ./TestScan -h This program contains tests written using Google Test. You can use the following command line flags to control its behavior: Test Selection: --gtest_list_tests List the names of all tests instead of running them. The name of TEST(Foo, Bar) is "Foo.Bar". --gtest_filter=POSTIVE_PATTERNS[-NEGATIVE_PATTERNS] Run only the tests whose name matches one of the positive patterns but none of the negative patterns. '?' matches any single character; '*' matches any substring; ':' separates two patterns. --gtest_also_run_disabled_tests Run all disabled tests too. Test Execution: --gtest_repeat=[COUNT] Run the tests repeatedly; use a negative count to repeat forever. --gtest_shuffle Randomize tests' orders on every iteration. --gtest_random_seed=[NUMBER] Random number seed to use for shuffling test orders (between 1 and 99999, or 0 to use a seed based on the current time). Test Output: --gtest_color=(yes|no|auto) Enable/disable colored output. The default is auto. --gtest_print_time=0 Don't print the elapsed time of each test. --gtest_output=xml[:DIRECTORY_PATH/|:FILE_PATH] Generate an XML report in the given directory or with the given file name. FILE_PATH defaults to test_details.xml. --gtest_stream_result_to=HOST:PORT Stream test results to the given server. Assertion Behavior: --gtest_death_test_style=(fast|threadsafe) Set the default death test style. --gtest_break_on_failure Turn assertion failures into debugger break-points. --gtest_throw_on_failure Turn assertion failures into C++ exceptions. --gtest_catch_exceptions=0 Do not report exceptions as test failures. Instead, allow them to crash the program or throw a pop-up (on Windows). Except for --gtest_list_tests, you can alternatively set the corresponding environment variable of a flag (all letters in upper-case). For example, to disable colored text output, you can either specify --gtest_color=no or set the GTEST_COLOR environment variable to no. For more information, please read the Google Test documentation at http://code.google.com/p/googletest/. If you find a bug in Google Test (not one in your own code or tests), please report it to <[email protected]>.
像是執行 –gtest_list_tests 就能列出這個測試程式裡所有的 test case:
testuser@localhost ~ $ ./TestScan --gtest_list_tests
而用 –gtest_filter 選項可以決定要執行的 test case,
例如下面的例子是執行 test case 名稱裡有 PostProcess 字眼的 test case:
testuser@localhost ~ $ ./TestScan --gtest_filter=*PostProcess* Note: Google Test filter = *PostProcess* [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case. [----------] Global test environment set-up. [----------] 1 test from ScanFileTest [ RUN ] ScanFileTest.PostProcess [ OK ] ScanFileTest.PostProcess (0 ms) [----------] 1 test from ScanFileTest (1 ms total) [----------] Global test environment tear-down [==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (1570 ms total) [ PASSED ] 1 test.
stackoverflow: How to run specific test cases in GoogleTest
Google Test: Running a Subset of the Tests
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