[Mac] 使用 Homebrew Cask 安裝 Mac App

[Mac] 使用 Homebrew Cask 安裝 Mac App

最近經過同事介紹,才發現原來 Homebrew 也可以用來安裝 Mac 上的 App~

名字叫做 Homebrew Cask,算是 Homebrew 的一個 extension。

正好我需要裝 HipChat,就拿來試試看吧~


Homebrew Cask 官網

Homebrew Cask GitHub documentation


1. 先安裝 Homebrew Cask 

用 brew 先把 cask 安裝好:

brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask


2. 用 Cask 搜尋 HipChat

平常如果直接用 brew search hipchat,會找到 Caskroom/cask/hipchat:

testuser@localhost ~ $ brew search hipchat


如果直接 brew install hipchat 或 brew install Caskroom/cask/hipchat 都是不行的~

得用 brew cask 的擴充命令才行,像是用 brew cask search:

testuser@localhost ~ $ brew cask search hipchat
==> Exact match


建議找到 App 之後,先用 brew cask info 確認一下有沒有附註說明,


testuser@localhost ~ $ brew cask info hipchat
hipchat: latest
Not installed
==> Contents
HipChat.app (app)


上例中的 HipChat 是沒有什麼附帶說明,安裝好就可以用了。

但像是 google-chrome 的話,就有附註說跟 1Password 這軟體間的衝突問題:

testuser@localhost ~ $ brew cask info google-chrome
google-chrome: latest
Not installed
==> Contents
Google Chrome.app (app)
==> Caveats
The Mac App Store version of 1Password will not work with a Homebrew-Cask-linked Google Chrome. To bypass this limitation, you need to either:
+ Move Google Chrome to your /Applications directory (the app itself, not a symlink).
+ Install 1Password from outside the Mac App Store (licenses should transfer automatically, but you should contact AgileBits about it).


3. 用 Cask 安裝 HipChat

執行 brew cask install 就能安裝 app 了:

testuser@localhost ~ $ brew cask install hipchat
==> Downloading https://www.hipchat.com/downloads/latest/mac
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Symlinking App 'HipChat.app' to '/Users/testuser/Applications/HipChat.app'
hipchat staged at '/opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/hipchat/latest' (792 files, 29M)


Cask 預設會把東西安裝在 /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom 目錄下面,

然後在 ~/Applications 下面建立一個 symbolic link 指到安裝好的 app:

testuser@localhost ~ $ ll /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/
drwxr-xr-x  4 testuser  staff  136  2  4 11:45 hipchat/
testuser@localhost ~ $ ll ~/Applications
lrwxr-xr-x  1 testuser  staff   54  2  4 11:45 HipChat.app@ -> /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/hipchat/latest/HipChat.app


當然平常直接去網頁或 App Store 下載 Mac app 安裝也是一樣的,

不過用 Homebrew Cask 是可以省去一些搜尋、下載,

以及把 app 拉到 Applications 目錄的麻煩,值得一試囉~~^^



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