[Mac] 用互動式的 Cling 快速測試 C++ 敘述與函式
編譯器 LLVM 淺淺玩. 以動手實作來認識 The LLVM Compiler 寫得不錯,
裡面提到了 Cling 這個運用了 LLVM 架構寫的 Interactive C++ interpreter,
也就是 C++ 的直譯器,感覺很有趣,
在 Mac 上可以用 Homebrew 安裝 Cling:
brew install cling
執行 cling 後,就會進到互動模式:
testuser@localhost ~ $ cling ****************** CLING ****************** * Type C++ code and press enter to run it * * Type .q to exit * ******************************************* [cling]$
執行 .help 可以看到可用的指令:
[cling]$ .help Cling (C/C++ interpreter) meta commands usage All commands must be preceded by a '.', except for the evaluation statement { } ============================================================================== Syntax: .Command [arg0 arg1 ... argN] .L <filename> - Load the given file or library .(x|X) <filename>[args] - Same as .L and runs a function with signature: ret_type filename(args) .> <filename> - Redirect command to a given file '>' or '1>' - Redirects the stdout stream only '2>' - Redirects the stderr stream only '&>' (or '2>&1') - Redirects both stdout and stderr '>>' - Appends to the given file .undo [n] - Unloads the last 'n' inputs lines .U <filename> - Unloads the given file .I [path] - Shows the include path. If a path is given - adds the path to the include paths .O <level> - Sets the optimization level (0-3) (not yet implemented) .class <name> - Prints out class <name> in a CINT-like style .files - Prints out some CINT-like file statistics .fileEx - Prints out some file statistics .g - Prints out information about global variable 'name' - if no name is given, print them all .@ - Cancels and ignores the multiline input .rawInput [0|1] - Toggle wrapping and printing the execution results of the input .dynamicExtensions [0|1] - Toggles the use of the dynamic scopes and the late binding .printDebug [0|1] - Toggles the printing of input's corresponding state changes .storeState <filename> - Store the interpreter's state to a given file .compareState <filename> - Compare the interpreter's state with the one saved in a given file .stats [name] - Show stats for internal data structures 'ast' abstract syntax tree stats 'asttree [filter]' abstract syntax tree layout 'decl' dump ast declarations 'undo' show undo stack .help - Shows this information .q - Exit the program
像是我跑 printf,會因為還沒有引入相關標頭檔而失敗:
[cling]$ printf input_line_4:2:2: error: use of undeclared identifier 'printf' printf ^
先跑 #include <stdio.h>
,再跑 printf,
就會變成有定義了,Cling 會秀出函式的宣告:
[cling]$ #include <stdio.h> [cling]$ printf (int (*)(const char *, ...)) Function @0x7fff202cb0a8 at /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include/stdio.h:170: int printf(const char * __restrict, ...) __printflike(1, 2)
可以執行 printf()
[cling]$ printf("this is a test") this is a test(int) 14
就是拿來測試一些不熟的函式 (或語法),可以直接觀察它的結果。
像是下面拿來測試一下 strchr()
[cling]$ strchr("abc", 'b') (const char *) "bc" [cling]$ strchr("abc", 'd') (const char *) nullptr
當然也可以直接寫完整的 C++ 程式,來跑測試程式。
參考資料:GitHub – vgvassilev/cling: The interactive C++ interpreter Cling
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