Patent filing

Patent filing

20080116_patent_filing.jpgTonight we had a meeting with our patent attorney Rupak, discussing about our second patent. Since Rupak was in the U.S, we used teleconference to communicate. And it was probably the first time that I was the leading actor in an English teleconference. My colleagues, Kevin and David, were with us, which gave me some confidence. But I stil felt nervous.

I found that I often could not speak a complete sentence. Sometimes it was because of some words I didn’t know how to use, or sometimes I tried to complete a sentence but caused more and more syntax errors. It was not a good thing. Comparing to today’s meeting, I thought I did better in other presentations before. The reason might be that I didn’t have to, or rarely have to, response to the audiences in presentations. Most time I just had to follow the slides, explain, and go on. But in a real conversion, my English ability was far away from good.

Another disadvantage of my English speaking was that I knew too few words and phrases. I always used “yes”, “ya”, “right”, and “you are correct” those words to show my acknowledgement. I think I should watch more movies to enlarge my vocabulary and enhance conversion ability.

Anyway, it was quite a great chance for me to communicate with an English native speaker directly. There are still two more patent meetings waiting in the future. Hope I can do much better than today 🙂

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2 thoughts on “Patent filing

  1. 好厲害喔~

  2. 呵~ 是因為英文真的不好咩~
    公司裡好多英文很流利的人,比較一下就知道落差了 =_=
    一起加油吧 ^_^


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