[Python] 排列組合產生任意大小的檔案

[Python] 排列組合產生任意大小的檔案



利用這個機會,把 array, binascii, itertools 裡的幾個不常用到的函式都學習了一下囉~


參考了這篇文章:List of integers into string (byte array) – python


1. itertools.combinations(): 產生指定序列的所有排列組合

2. array.array(): 將一個 integer list 轉成一個 array of bytes 物件,可以很方便地用 tostring() 轉成 byte 字串,或是用 tofile() 將資料輸出到檔案

3. binascii.crc32(): 用來算某個資料的 CRC32 值


下面就是一個簡單的測試程式,用來產生檔案大小 0~3 bytes 的所有可能的檔案內容,

檔名就用檔案內容的 CRC32 值來命名~


import array
import binascii
import itertools
# Iterate thru different file sizes
for file_len in xrange(0, 3):
# Iterate thru different byte combinations of specific file size
for byte_list in itertools.combinations(xrange(256), file_len):
# Convert the byte list into an array object
byte_list = array.array("B", byte_list)
# Use CRC32 value as file name
file_name = "crc_0x%08X" % (binascii.crc32(byte_list.tostring()) & 0xffffffff)
# Write bytes to file
with open(file_name, "w") as f:
print "Generated", file_name, "with file size", file_len



Generated crc_0x00000000 with file size 0
Generated crc_0xD202EF8D with file size 1
Generated crc_0xA505DF1B with file size 1
Generated crc_0x3C0C8EA1 with file size 1
Generated crc_0x4B0BBE37 with file size 1
Generated crc_0xD56F2B94 with file size 1




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