這部片一開始有點悲情的感覺~小男孩在很窮苦的家裡生活,後來又被媽媽送到阿嬤家寄養… 不過等到阿嬤出場之後,感覺就完全不一樣了,笑聲也多了許多^^~阿嬤是個很開朗樂觀的人,雖然經濟狀況比原本媽媽家還要差,不過卻一點都不怨天尤人,也不冀求其他人的援助,很自食其力的過活… 我想這一點是很值得佩服的,比起有些人好手好腳的卻專事偷搶,或是最近新聞上看到的,裝可憐博取同情捐助的人,實在好的太多了~
除了不抱怨之外,我最喜歡的就是阿嬤的樂天態度了~不管做什麼事,她都能用很積極的態度去面對,像是窮困也有窮困的好,而且真的是用很開心的心情在這麼想,而不是硬要裝笑臉~看著電影中的阿嬤,真是很有感觸,因為我跟她是蠻相反的人,很容易就往不好的方向去煩惱…其實這樣還蠻蠢的,很多事在過了一陣子之後來看,都會發現沒什麼好不開心的~嗯嗯,以後要多學習阿嬤的樂觀哲學呢~ 🙂
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8 thoughts on “佐賀的超級阿嬤”
Worries only knock on your door when you gave it the chance to do so …
So always look on the bright side of things loh ^____^
"Worries only knock on your door when you gave it the chance to do so." What a good and meaningful sentence~
Thank you, Guru Shyo XD~
"Guru" …???
You don’t know the word’s meaning, or it’s not proper to be used here?
My English teacher taught us this word just a few days ago.
He said that Guru = Master = Mentor~
Nah ~ I don’t deserve the title at all …
Ha~ for a minute there I thought you found out about my other talent — imitating Gollum …. =////=
Haha~ Thank you for teaching me a new word…
I was almost about to ask you what Gollum was, and found out that it was the Gollum in Lord of the Ring 😛