Today somebody told me how he felt about a girl.Actually, I felt frustrated some…
Today somebody told me how he felt about a girl.Actually, I felt frustrated some…
剛剛逛了一下朋友的朋友的部落格,突然看到她家人回應了好多篇文章,內容都是說她蠢啦~沒出息啦~自以為了不起啦~之類的話… 當然家務事我管不著,不過我真…
There is something still annoying me…What’s that? I can’t figu…
My old classmate and I had a chitchat at the 85c coffee shop.It’s been a l…
What’s the longest distance in the universe?I think that’s it.So rid…
星期天的早上,一直睡呀睡的,昏沈到快中午才下床~預計好要去看二輪片,也突然失去了吸引力,因為沒有很想要看的片~天氣好熱也不想去爬山踏青的… 有種不知…